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🥤 BP is normal if you drink just these 2 liquid drinks

🚭 Quit smoking. Exercise regularly. Reduce non-veg intake. These help control BP naturally. Herbal remedies can help control BP effectively. If you take these 3 things, you will control BP. Let's find out what are the two factors that control high BP.

🍎 Control BP with Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey 🥥 To control blood pressure.. Mix half teaspoon of apple vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water. Mix these two ingredients in water. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Consuming this water reduces cholesterol levels. Blood vessels also relax. Both of these foods control BP. It benefits the body in many ways.

🍊 Control BP with orange juice and coconut water.. 🍊 To keep BP under control, take coconut water and orange juice. To use these two items, mix two parts orange juice and one part coconut water. Using these two things twice a day will keep your BP under control.

🍊 Citrus fruit: 🍊 Orange controls cholesterol. Lowers BP. Coconut water is rich in potassium which keeps BP under control. Taking it daily can lower BP. 🌿


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