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Born on These Dates? Here's Why You Might Be Lazy!

In Sanatana Dharma, numerology is as significant as astrology. Both can predict a person's nature and personality. Numerology emphasizes the importance of numbers in our lives.

Each number is believed to be related to a specific planet. To find your radix number, add your birth date, month, and year to a single digit. For example, people born on 3, 12, 21, or 30 have a radix number of 3 (3+0=3, 1+2=3). According to numerology, those with radix number 3 are governed by the planet Jupiter.

People with this radix number are prestigious and self-respecting. They prefer living life by their own rules and dislike interference from others. They have great personalities but face many problems due to certain shortcomings. Let's understand the characteristics of people born on dates with radix number 3.

Born on 3rd or 30th

People born on the 30th of any month are known for their politeness and kindness. However, they are also famous for their laziness. They often don't consider the pros and cons before doing any work. They tend to procrastinate important tasks and rely on others. This can create obstacles in their progress and lead to financial problems. Therefore, avoid laziness, focus on your goals, and work hard daily to achieve success in your career.

Born on 12th or 21st

People born on the 12th or 21st of any month face significant laziness issues. They are ambitious about their life goals but delay every task due to laziness. They struggle to make major life decisions and prefer living in comfort. They avoid stepping out of their comfort zones, which sometimes leads to failure. By becoming more active and energetic, they can achieve desired success in every task. They will be recognized for their talents and praised in society.


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