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BJP Leader's Unique Advice to Women to Curb Husbands' Drinking Habits 🍻

Madhya Pradesh Minister Narayan Singh Kushwaha's advice to women on stopping their husbands' drinking habits has become a hot topic. Responding to the incident, the Congress stated that while the minister's intentions were good, his method was flawed.

Narayan Singh Kushwaha, the Minister of Social Justice, attended an awareness program on drug and alcohol addiction in Bhopal on Friday. During the event, the minister suggested that women should encourage their husbands to drink at home. He believed that men would feel embarrassed to drink in front of their family members and would eventually quit this habit. He also warned women to inform their husbands that children might follow in their footsteps and become addicted to alcohol.

However, Congress criticized this advice. They acknowledged the minister's good intentions but argued that his advice was inappropriate. Congress spokesperson Mukesh Naik stated that if men start drinking at home, it could lead to more severe arguments with their wives, potentially leading to domestic violence. He suggested that it would have been better if the minister had encouraged men to quit drinking on their own.

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