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Beware of these problems if you eat late in the afternoon.

Not eating on time can lead to many health problems. Now let's find out what problems are caused by eating late, especially in the afternoon.

Eating late in the afternoon increases the risk of gas in the stomach. For some people, the gas problem subsides immediately after eating. But for many people, the gas problem increases even after eating. That is why experts say that you should not eat late in the afternoon.

If the midday meal is late, they will face various inconveniences. Experts say that many problems like fatigue, sleepiness, lack of energy, anxiety, anger and impatience are caused by not having lunch in the afternoon. After eating late, you feel sleepy and don't know what to do next. But you should drink water from time to time until you have a late meal. Do not drink cold water or sweet drinks at all. Drink only plain water during this time.


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