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Benefits Of Including Cloves In Your Winter Diet

With the onset of winter, the number of people suffering from cold and cough also increases. Sometimes the cough persists for a long time even after consulting a doctor and taking medication.

With the onset of winter, the number of people suffering from cold and cough also increases. Sometimes the cough persists for a long time even after consulting a doctor and taking medication. In such cases some home remedies should be done. You can use cloves to get rid of dry cough. Chewing cloves with honey can provide quick relief from dry cough.

Honey, cloves:

Honey and cloves are good remedies for cough. Take 7-8 cloves and roast them slowly in a hot pan. After the cloves cool, grind them finely. Now add 3-4 spoons of honey to it. Heat it a little. Take one tablespoon of the mixture every morning, evening and afternoon. It provides quick relief from cough.

Benefits of eating cloves:

Cloves have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation. Cloves are very good for joint pain.

Cloves contain eugenol, an antioxidant. It reduces the risk of free radicals, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Cloves reduce stomach ulcers and protect the stomach lining.

Eating cloves in winter thickens mucus and clears mucus.

Cloves relieve bloating, gas and digestive problems.

Cloves contain several enzymes that help improve digestion.

Cloves contain vitamin C. It helps to increase white blood cells in the body.

Cloves stimulate liver function. It also reduces toothache.

Cloves are also good for bones. Cloves also remove bacteria from the mouth. Cloves also help regulate blood sugar levels.


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