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🍲 Are you eating rice three times a day..

🚶 Constipation occurs if the body does not get enough fiber. Include pulses, vegetables, wheat, pulses and millets in the meal. 🌾

All these help in keeping the digestive system healthy. 🍽️ White rice is low in fiber. So it is suggested to eat less white rice.

⚖️ White rice is high in calories. High calorie intake can lead to fat accumulation around the waist. 💪 Problems like weight gain and blood sugar rise occur. So 🚫 It is better to take rice as per doctor's advice.

⚠️ White rice is low in nutrients compared to other grains. Deficiency of these nutrients can lead to many other problems including bones and teeth. Malnutrition can cause many other problems. 👨‍⚕️ If you eat a lot of rice daily, the immune system will decrease.

🍚 White rice raises blood sugar levels. That is why doctors warn people with diabetes not to eat white rice. 🚫 Rice has very high glycemic index. Eating white rice can cause diabetes. 🩺 Diabetics are advised to avoid eating rice as much as possible and include other food grains in their diet. 🍏


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