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🔥 Another new YouTube-like tool for videos.. 🎬

🎥 YouTube like tool..

🔍 It seems that Microsoft will bring a new tool for videos. It will come with YouTube-like features. This is evident in a recently filed patent. Moreover, users say it also features a Shazam-like product to identify videos with copyrighted material. Microsoft is bringing it to work like YouTube's copyright match tool, as noted in a report announced by Windows. It seems likely to bring about automatic detection of unauthorized use of copyrighted video content. 🎉

📌 It will be like this..

Users must submit a “target video” and “reference video” to use video from this new Microsoft app. From there the tool compares the two videos and checks whether the target video is the same or not. Does the reference include all the shots in the video? Does the reference also include groups of shots that are in the video? Identifies whether the reference contains shots in the same sequence as the video. But it seems that users don't need to have both target video and reference video for the app to work. In this situation, the application is not aware of its current state. 🤷‍♀️

🤔 How it works..

The app relies on Google, Binge, and other search engines to build a database of these videos that are already available on YouTube. However, it is currently unknown how Microsoft plans to use this tool. But it is said that it could become a standalone app or be featured in another Microsoft product. It is likely to become a plugin for Microsoft Copilot in the future. But there is no word on when this tool will be available to the public. 🌐💡


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