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📱 Another interesting feature in WhatsApp.. 🌟

It goes without saying that WhatsApp is one of the must-have apps in every smartphone. It is remarkable that WhatsApp is the single most used messaging app in the world.

The main reason for this is to bring new features from time to time according to the needs of the users. By providing better features to the users, no matter how much the competition is, the users are not going away from WhatsApp. In this order, another interesting feature has been brought in. Bringing a new feature in sharing photos and videos. It is already known that last year, WhatsApp introduced a 2 GB file sharing feature to share photos/videos with HD quality. But recently, you can send photos and videos to those around you without the need for internet. This feature works like Android OS 'Nearby Share' and iOS 'Air Drop'. Currently this feature is in testing stage. It will be made available to users after completion. WhatsApp community blog Wabeta Info said this. 📸📹


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