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🚀 Animals that went to space before man! 🌌

🌠 Whenever new achievements are made in the field of space, we appreciate the efforts of scientists. 🧪🔭 But we forget that many animals also shared in this success. 🌟

Before humans went into space, different types of animals were sent there. 🚀💫 Only then did scientists realize that humans could be sent there safely. 🌐🚀 Among the animals sent into space are monkey species. 🦝🚀 These include rhesus macaques, pig-tailed monkeys, squirrel-tailed monkeys, and chimpanzees. 🐒🚀 A rhesus macaque named Albert-II reached 134 km in 1949. 🐵🚀 But it died while returning. ⚠️🚀 After this, in 1961, NASA sent a chimpanzee named Ham into space, which returned safely. 🐾🚀 Mice were sent into space to study the effect of space weather on humans. 🌎🚀 In 1950, the first mouse was sent into space up to 137 km. 🐕🚀 But it died due to parachute failure. ❌🚀 Soviet Union sent a large number of dogs into space. 🐶🚀 The most famous of them was the dog named Laika in 1957. 🚀🛰️


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