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Alert! GB WhatsApp is not safe on android phones..!

GB WhatsApp app, which is a third-party WhatsApp client, is an easy way to spread Android spyware. The app is essentially a modified version of WhatsApp that offers some extra features along with the usual WhatsApp features. You will not find the app listed on the Google Play Store; users need to download its APK and download it from other sources. However, side loaded files are easily modified with malicious content and spread malware as soon as users download it.

The only known way to get rid of such malware is to perform a hard factory reset of your device. And that means you are going to lose all your data. Even having a backup of said data and reinstalling it would reset the malware.

How To Stay Safe

-Do not download or install apps outside the Google Play store. Most APK files hosted on other websites and app libraries may contain embedded malware.

- Never download a modified version of WhatsApp or any other social media app. Unless the developer themselves releases the app, stick to the official app.

-If you suspect your phone is infected with malware, immediately disconnect the internet connection and perform a hard factory reset. Avoid downloading those suspicious apps from unverified websites.


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