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AI and Job Threat: What It Means for Us


Hello! 👋 Do you remember how machines replaced many traditional jobs during the Industrial Revolution? 🏭 Similar thing is happening now. Only this time, it's not just machines, it's also computers and artificial intelligence (AI). 🤖💻 Even high profile jobs like doctors, writers, and engineers are at risk! 😮

People are starting to worry. Unions are coming back, going on strike, and even taking legal action to protect their jobs. It's like a replay of the past when jobs like blacksmiths were taken over by machines. ⏳

Funny thing is, many white-collar professionals didn't support workers losing jobs to machines back then. But now, when their jobs are under threat, they're talking about justice. 🤷‍♂️

What's clear is that we all need to stand together now more than ever. ✊ AI and technology could take over most of the work we do. In this case, the 'survival of the fittest' approach of capitalism won't work. 🚫💪

So, we need to think of new ways. Socialism and communism, where the wealth and benefits are shared by all, might be a good idea. 🔄💡

Imagine a world where machines do all the work, and we all share the benefits. This could mean a much shorter work week and guaranteed support for everyone, no matter if they have a job or not. It's not a dream - it might become necessary! 💭🕰️🌍

This is the challenge of the AI era - we need to make sure everyone benefits, not just a few. Maybe a universal basic income could be the answer. We have to think about how to use AI for everyone's benefit. 😇🤔💰

We're at a turning point. The future will require us to rethink how our society and economy work. It's up to us to shape this future and make it a good one. Together, we can do it! 🤝💫🌱


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