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🏴‍☠️ A new way in gold smuggling..Still Caught!

✈️ No matter how strong surveillance is set up at the airports and borders, the smugglers are not stopping.. Day by day the smuggling of gold is increasing. Smugglers are finding new ways to smuggle gold in bulk.

👚 Customs officials have also witnessed incidents of gold in shirt buttons, shoes, suit cases, etc., which were converted into drug bills and hidden in the stomach. The smugglers who are smuggling gold like this, the customs officials found the gold wherever they hide it. The smuggler, who was recently caught, came up with another new plan.. He thought innovatively and made a saree out of gold. He put on his clothes. However, he was caught by the authorities.🛫 A golden saree was seized at the Shamshabad Airport on Friday, August 04. At the RGI airport in Hyderabad, customs officials caught a passenger smuggling gold and seized 471 grams of gold saree from his possession. A traveler from Dubai tried to smuggle gold into the country by hiding gold in his luggage and spraying it on clothes.


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