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🌙🌟A millionaire farmer overnight..🌱🍅

Pune who grew a tomato grown by sweating in his farm and became a millionaire. 🌾💰A farmer from Pune became a millionaire by growing tomatoes. 🌾💪 In fact, many farmers in Pachgarh village bordering Pune and Nagar district have been cultivating tomatoes for a few days. 👨‍🌾🍅 💰📰 Tomato prices have been showing drops for a few days. 💲💲 CCTV cameras have already been installed in many places to sell tomatoes. 📸🍅 There are also fights to buy tomatoes anywhere. 🍅🧱 Tomatoes are also provided by some governments for subsidies. 🌱💼 Meanwhile.. Today we are going to tell the success story of a farmer from Junn

📉🍅 Pachghar is a small village on the border of Nagar district of Pune. Junnar is known as Green Belt. 🌿💪 Most of the dams in the state are located in this taluk. 🌾🌍 This changed the village itself. 🏞️ Onion and tomato are cultivated here due to black soil and water throughout the year. 🌱Tomatoes are seen everywhere in the countryside. 👀 Due to this tomato cultivation has changed the fortune of many people. 😔 Gaykar family is one of them. Tukaram Bhagoji Gaykar of Pachgarh owns 18 acres of horticulture land. 🏞️🍅 In this, with the help of son Ishwar Gaykar and daughter-in-law Sonali, he cultivated tomato in 12 acres. 👨‍🌾👩‍🌾 Not only this, more than 100 women got employment with Gaikar tomato cultivation. 💁‍♀️💰 According to farmer Gaikar, his daughter-in-law Sonali Gaikar is involved in tomato garden cultivation, harvesting, canning, spraying etc. 👨‍👩‍🌾🌱 while son Ishwar Gaikar is doing sales management and financial planning. 💼💼 The hard work of the last 3 months has paid off with a good market. 💰📈.


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